This page is updated as new information becomes available. Please continue to monitor the home page for additional information.
Last Update 3/17/2025
5/6/2024: Updates to SGI Instructions are available. Guidance for TFR implementation for RX during Aerial Ignition.
9/17/2024: Skydio X10 Damaged Motor Stator Alert. Available in Skydio Notice to Operators
7/26/2024: IA APB 24-05 has been issued for aviation management in high operational tempo.
3/15/2024: FAA Guidance to DOI for UAS operations and Remote Identification
8/29/2023: IASA 23-02 M-600 Batteries - Thermal Expansion.
7/24/2023: IA APB 23-04 Freefly Alta X Landing Gear Separations During Flight
7/8/2022: Interagency Aviation Mishap Response Guide UAS Insert
Flight Authorizations
Updated Certificates of Authorization. The FAA has reissued COAs for the DOI and USFS for UAS Operations.
- DOI: 2023-WSA-11904 REV 3-COA (Signed 11/18/2024)
- Note: The FAA has issued an extension of the COA expiration date to 4/15/2025 while a new document is finalized.
- USFS: 2023-WSA-11903 REV 1-COA (Signed 3/29/2023)
Note: When creating a NOTAM with the updated COAs, you must input with this format: "2023-WSA-11904-COA" or "2023-WSA-11903-COA". Using the "2023-WSA-11904 REV 1-COA" as written will not work.
Special Government Interest Waivers
- Interagency SGI Instructions (05/06/2024)
- SGI Request Template - Blank (09/14/2023, MS Word Doc)
- SGI Request Template - Populated (09/14/2023, MS Word Doc)
SGI waivers are required for UAS operations inside a TFR. Contact the UAS Coordinator for assistance with waiver coordination through the FAA.
See IA IB 22-06 for additional information: IA IB 22-06 "Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations within Incident Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs).
IA IB 24-02 addresses TFRs for Prescribed Fires
IA IB 24-05 may also apply to TFRs that span more than one ARTCC. Please make sure all TFRs relevant to your incident are accounted for in the SGI request.
Aircraft Reference
Alta X
- Alta X Support (Freefly Website)
- Ignis Manual (Drone Amplified Website)
- Wiris Camera Workflow
- Alta X Troubleshooting
Anafi GOV
- 6/28/2022: M600 Battery Shipping: With a recent increase in activity and ROs to Alaska, RPs must be aware of M600 Lithium Ion battery watt hours (Wh) and rules:
- T47S batteries are 99.9 Wh and are clear for carry-on luggage on airlines.
- T48S batteries are 129.96 Wh. MAY NOT CARRY-ON. Must be shipped!
- Reference:
- 6/17/2022: Accident Prevention Bulletin 22-03 - Defective M600 Batteries
- 6/13/2022: Interagency Tech Bulletin 22-01 for M-600 Props
- 5/9/2022: SAFECOM 22-0234, M600 Batteries
Airspace and Authorization
- NOTAM Quick Reference Job Aid
- Understanding Altitudes for UAS
- Interagency PASP Template (v4.1, 1/1/2020)
- 10/30/2023: Joint CAL Fire and USFS Fire Traffic Area Review. A joint bulletin has been released to highlight and reemphasize the importance of the FTA Protocol. This is good refresher information for all remote pilots.
- IA APB 22-05: UAS NOTAMs
- IA IB 22-04 "Potential Airspace Challenges Resulting From Misinformation". Please review for clarification on the Fire Traffic Area Diagram, PMS505D
- NWCG Standards for Airspace Coordination PMS 520
- NWCG Fire Traffic Area Reference and Diagram (Updated 4/2022)
- IA IB 21-09 "Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) crossing multiple Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) Airspace Boundaries" was released on Sept 24, 2021. Please refer to this when operating in an airspace that may span multiple ARTCC boundaries, requiring separate TFR notices and subsequent SGI requests for UAS operations.
- DoD Aeronautical Information System (Links to AP1A/AP1B on right side menu)
- Flight Services (1800WXBrief)
- SkyVector
General Reference
Documents, Forms, and Checklists
- UASP Flight Organizer (v2.1 generic)
- DOI Multirotor Checklist v190227
- IBC Memo 23-09 - UAS Incident Replacement Guide. NWCG Incident Business Committee (IBC) and the Interagency Fire UAS Subcommittee (IFUASS) has released guidance for consumable/replacement parts.
Incident Coordination
- IA-IB 21-07 has relevant information for IMTs on UAS Operations
System Shipping
- Icom IC-A25 radio features (Youtube Video)
Flight Planning
- BLM NOC UAS Flight Planning Spreadsheet (Gapinski, 4/8/2022)