Last update: 3/12/2025
*New* 3/12/2025: UAS Aerial Ignition Mission Evaluation form v2.3 released.
Dragon Egg Information and Reporting
- *Important* 5/9/2024: IA TB 24-02: Dragon Egg Plastic Sphere Devices. -Information on anomalies with Dragon Eggs and rapid reaction times.
- Dragon Egg Reporting - form to track Dragon Egg Performance (5/2024)
- PMS 501 - NWCG Standards for Aerial Ignition
Job Aids
- IA IB 24-02 - Process for Prescribed Fire (RX) Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) involving UAS or helicopter aerial ignition operations. 5/2024
- NIAC Approval of UAS Aerial Ignition Payload (Feb 2020)